在十大体育外围平台排名,我们相信有许多不同的学习模式, 我们致力于通过为学生和教师提供独特而多样的沉浸式学习机会来促进参与型学习者. GA Experience (GAXP) 由于一位匿名捐赠者的慷慨捐赠,于2017年和2018年进行了试点,并免费提供给高年级学生.
抓住学生的兴趣,鼓励他们更深入地学习,以一种有意义的方式将体育外围app网站和世界联系起来, 每年在服务学习的教育方面设计两到四次旅行, nature, arts. The strands are planned for 12-18 students each, with a gender and age balance, and two faculty members per trip. To be considered for this exceptional program, 学生必须申请并以书面形式分享他们希望参加的原因.
首批XP项目之一“费城壁画艺术”,” explored various neighborhoods and their unique collection of murals; engaged with and learned from Philadelphia’s artists, journeyed through Isaiah Zagar’s Magic Gardens; worked on an established Philadelphia mural project; and then developed a mural for our GA community – all in one week! In addition to the arts, GAXP旅行让参与者沉浸在音乐的世界里, backpacking, whitewater rafting,
eco-farming, 与其他志愿者一起在陶斯的仁爱之家工作, New Mexico, 协助新奥尔良和波多黎各的救灾工作.
"Being able to help others in need, learn about New Orleans, 并在短短几天内体验新奥尔良的文化,这一切都是不可思议的,也是一生难得一次的. 这是一次有益的经历,我希望每个人有一天都有机会这样做." - Autem Burgess '21